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Freedom Trail
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Hartford Cue
New Haven Cue


Freedom Trail Logo    Connecticut Freedom Trail

In recognizing the importance of numerous sites in the state that are associated with the heritage and movement towards freedom of its African American citizens, the Connecticut General Assembly in 1995 authorized that these locations be developed into a Freedom Trail.

Included on the trail are buildings reported to have been used on the Underground Railroad, sites assocaited with the Amistad case of 1839-1842, and gravesites, monuments, homes, and other structures that represent the concept of freedom so cherished in the American mind.  It is hoped that those who visit some or all of the locations on the Freedom trail will gain a greater appreciation for the experiences and contributions of Connecticut's African Americans.

- From "Connecticut Freedom Trail" brochure

freedom_map.gif (27925 bytes)     freedom_map_legend.gif (2758 bytes)

Freedom Trail Couriers receive a blessingOn September 20, 1998, 68 Freedom Trail Bicycle Couriers converged on  the Connecticut State Capitol.  Over 2000 miles of historic trails had been routed, and 68 quilt blocks were delivered to the Capitol on the 20th. Each block of the quilt represents a different site which aided in keeping freedom for all in the minds and hearts of the residents of CT.  The quilt is on display at the Connecticitu State Museum located across from the State Capitol Building on Capitol Avenue in Hartford.

The Connecticut Freedom Trail is designed to help you explore the places and learn about the people who have moved the struggle for freedom, justice and equality forward in Connecticut from 1600-1947. The sites on the Freedom Trail are selected by the Connecticut Historical Commission and the Amistad Committee. The trail to date consists of 69 sites in 30 towns. The Freedom Trail is a “living” trail with plans to add new sites each year.

The cues used by the Freedom Trail riders are available in Excel format.   To select a cue, either click on the appropriate route on the map, or select from the list below.


Freedom trail Route Map


New Haven

More To Come!


Updated Monday, 19 February 2001
Copyright © 1999 Connecticut Bicycle Coalition, Inc.


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Copyright © 1999 - 2000 Connecticut Bicycle Coalition, Inc.
Last modified: February 19, 2001